One of Ohio's Top-Rated Bankruptcy Attorneys,
Over 30,000 clients helped since 1986.

Important Notice.  West Law Office Helpdesk is being replaced by a new system!

Some clients are already in the new system, older clients will be moved over the coming weeks.

Our voicemail system is currently down due to the change from the old system to the new system.

Instead of using the helpdesk, you will email your paralegal directly.

For cases not yet filed:

If your last name begins with A – Mc, email

If your last name begins with Md – Z  email

If your case is already filed and your last name begins with

A – G or T – Z  email

For H – S email

We apologize for the temporary difficulty with the communication and are working on the transition as        quickly as we can.

This helpdesk is being closed on December 15, 2024 and will no longer be available.

All current and new clients will be moved to our new Lawmatics software support system.

Closed cases will not be moved.

Normally everything you have sent to us on the helpesk is already in your computer but if you want any documents from your helpesk account, please access the helpdesk and download them as you will lose access to them after December 15th.

The helpdesk system is now 10 years old and needs to be upgraded.

Our new Lawmatics system provides better support and more functionality. 

Current and future clients will have Lawmatics accounts and will communicate directly with their paralegal and attorney via email, and documents may be emailed or uploaded directly to the Lawmatics client portal.  

Until the conversion is complete clients who have been using the helpdesk will continue to be able to use it, but all communications after December 15 will by through the new Lawmatics platform.  So, this means that even existing clients with cases that will be active for some time, like chapter 13 cases, should download any documents they want to keep from the helpdesk before December 15th.

More information about the conversion will  be sent at a later date.


Rick West