Springboro Bankruptcy Attorney
#1 Filer of Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in Springboro, Ohio
Bankruptcy is a process that most people want to avoid, of course. It is never someone’s first choice. And, there are many dangers to getting it wrong. You really need a specialist to guide you.
If you are considering filing for bankruptcy, it is time to seek help from a competent lawyer who can guide you through the process while ensuring that all your debts will be discharged, and who is able to help you recover your credit. Credit, we all know, is an essential part of a financial recovery. Yet, most bankruptcy attorneys (not us) are unable to help you recover credit
When you’re looking for a bankruptcy lawyer, it’s important to choose one who specializes in the type of situation you’re dealing with. You should insist on an attorney who is board certified and trained on non-bankruptcy options so that your interests are protected.
Richard West is both a board certified consumer bankruptcy specialist, and a certified debt arbitrator. Because of this, he can help you weigh the pros and cons of both bankruptcy and non-bankruptcy options. This way, you’ll KNOW you’ve made the right choice.
Filing for bankruptcy is a complicated process, if you want to get it right the first time, make sure to work with a qualified attorney.
Over 30,000 Families Served
Since1986, We have been the authority for debt relief and credit recovery.
99.9 Percent Of Filings Have Been Approved
You can depend on us. We're one of the oldest Debt Relief firms in the State of Ohio.
Over 30 Years Fighting Credit Card Predators
- 30,000 Clients Served
- Bankruptcy Attorney Since 1986
- Board Certified Bankruptcy Attorney
- Certified Credit Counselor
- Certified Debt Arbitrator
- A+ Better Business Bureau
- Over 350 Positive Google Reviews 4.9 -5.0
- Trusted by Thousands of Clients
- Member of Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys

Many in Springboro Ohio need a highly qualified bankruptcy attorney to help them get through these perilous financial times. You have more options than you may be aware of. Bankruptcy should not be your “last resort” as is often said.
The point is that bankruptcy practitioners are at least as qualified as physicians; since you need an attorney if you’ve decided to file bankruptcy, don’t waste your time with ineffective debt management programs — which just benefit the companies offering them.
Seek counsel from a Springboro bankruptcy attorney who will help you explore all options and select the one that is best for your situation.
We all know that Chapter 7 bankruptcy offers more advantages. But, did you know that Chapter 13 can often offer more than Chapter 7?
Be sure to find the bankruptcy lawyer you are confident in who can explain all your options, like Richard West Law Office.
By Filing for Bankruptcy Relief in Springboro You Can
Wipe Out Debt, Keep Your Property & Rebuild Your Credit
Are you a Springboro, Ohio resident who is burdened with debt? Start here for an explanation on Bankruptcy options.
Chapter 7
Chapter 13
NON-Bankruptcy Options
Sources of debt in Springboro
How we can Help
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Personal Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Attorney
If you are considering a chapter 7 bankruptcy, but are not sure if it’s right for you, you’ll get focus and clarity from a free consultation with Richard West Law office. We’re as close as your phone.
Chapter 7 bankruptcy is often called a liquidation bankruptcy filing that will discharge most of your debts by distributing your non-exempt property to creditors. Although technically true, it is also true that most, if not all, of our property is exempt.
So, in practce, almost never does anyone lose any property in Chapter 7.
Chapter 7 bankruptcy might be right for you if your income is under the median, or average income for your family size, or, if it is over this threshold, you can pass the means test .
Chapter 7 has many advantages that are unique to each case, but in general one of the biggest pros is its speediness. Chapter 7 cases only last a few months, and most people who file are able to receive their discharge within 5 months or less.
Without the burden of debt hanging over your head, you can quickly move forward with your life. Richard West Law Office is unique in many ways, and perhaps the most important service we offer is our powerful credit rebuilding program.
Chapter 7 bankruptcy provides you with a fresh start. If you have been paying minimum payments for years, and are just barely able to “keep up” on your bills, chapter 7 can give you the break from debt that you need to get back on track.
Chapter 7 bankruptcy is different for everyone, but it does offer some advantages over other types of bankruptcies. Call us for a free consultation to discuss your options under Chapter 7, as well as all your other options. The call is free, but the peace of mind you get after a consultation with one of our attorneys is priceless.
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Personal Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Chapter 13 is a form of bankruptcy, which can provide you with a true financial reorganization. You will be able to keep your property and assets, while paying only what you can afford to pay.
Chapter 13 is truly the most effective form of reorganization available. Many more people should file Chapter 13 than do.
Sadly, too many who qualify for Chapter 7 fail to consider Chapter 13, and “leave money on the table” as a result.
Chapter 13 may also offers you protection from lawsuits that could wipe your savings out and hit your paycheck.
By filing for Chapter 13, you could be able to:
Avoid foreclosure on your house or car. Stop repossession of your vehicle. Stave off a lawsuit against you so that you have time to get back on your feet financially and settle the matter without ruining your finances. Have more control over repayment plans than in a Chapter 7 case, and actually pay less by “cram down” of vehicle debt and reduction of interest rates.
How does it work? During your initial consultation, our attorneys will review all of your financial issues, and review with you your assets and debts. Then, we’ll review all options, including chapter 13, and estimate your savings and your monthly payment plan amount. We can do all of this over the phone, in 30-60 minutes.
The consultation is free, but the peace of mind you’ll get is priceless.
Debt Settlement & Debt Negotiation
There are many dangers involved with debt settlement, and you need to know them before deciding to participate in the process.
Debt settlement is an option that many people want to try before filing for bankruptcy – which they consider to be a “last resort.”
If you have overwhelming debts that are not being paid off because of insufficient income or other circumstances, you may be tempted to try debt settlement, not bankruptcy. The problem with this is that there are many dangers involved with it.
The first problem with debt settlement is the lack of credibility – you could end up in more debt than before because there are costs associated with the process and creditors will be less willing to work out another compromise.
The other danger is that you will have to stop paying your creditors voluntarily and hope that they will work with you on a deal. During this negotiation period, you have no legal protection.
And, not all creditors are willing to do this, and if one decides not to, you could end up in court for unpaid debts – which means more money for the creditor than if you just paid regularly.
It can also take a long time for this type of solution to work out – some companies engage in debt settlement for years without any positive results. We see many people waste thousands of dollars, and years of their lives, only to file bankruptcy later, rather than sooner.
The debt settlement process is not regulated, so if you go through this option, it can take months before anything happens, and in the meantime you might end up in worse financial situation than when you started.
The Cost of A Springboro Bankruptcy Attorney
Have you encountered this problem before? Most often, when we choose not to spend as much money upfront, we end up spending more later than if we had only invested in quality services to begin with.
Trying to save money by hiring a cut-rate, corner-cutting attorney could cost you many times what you think. You cannot believe how some attorneys advertise their services for “cheap” legal advice in order to lure more clients.
At West Law Office, we make top-notch legal counsel available to you in a way that you can afford. Payment plans are customized to your budget and we start working for you right away, taking all phone calls from creditors on your behalf. If necessary, we won’t even charge you up front costs.
Source of Debt in Springboro
According to a recent CNBC article, nearly one third of families today have some kind of medical bills. As many as 28% of these families have balances over $10,000! If you’ve got medical debt that is making it difficult or impossible to meet your living expenses, you have lots of company.
Student loan
The majority of those who attend any kind of college, and 42% 19-29 year olds from Ohio show student loan debt. For many people, financial difficulty is only limited to this one type of debt; these individuals are able to make a concerted effort to get things under control. However for some—especially students with undergraduate or graduate degrees—student loan debt is a huge problem. Although not discharged in bankruptcy, eliminating other debt makes it possible to focus on student loan debt.
Credit cards
These days, it can seem like credit cards are ubiquitous. However, these cards can have consequences if not used the right way. There might be interest rates to pay off in the future for balances transferred or cash advances taken; and unfortunately, credit is so easy to get that you may find yourself signing up for too many of these cards without realizing the amount of debt you actually owe. Most people focus more on their monthly payments than the total amount of debt they owe.
Mortgage debt
Purchasing a home is a major undertaking for many people, but it can be an especially challenging pursuit for first time buyers who may not recognize that there are going to be other costs in addition to the mortgage. Many people also find, after they buy a home, that there are many, many other expenses they have to incur, and these additional expenses “break the bank.”
The fear associated with opening a letter from a collector or law office typically results in debtors feeling trapped. With so many options for collections, it is difficult to choose the right one. Personal bankruptcy will stop these types of lawsuits and protect your income and personal property.
Sources of Debt
- Medical Debt
- Student Loan Debt
- Credit Card Debt
- Mortgage Debt
- Court Ordered Debt
What They Can Claim
- Foreclosure
- Car Repossession
- Wage Garnishment
- Bank Account Garnishment
What They Can Cause
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Divorce
- Suicide
- Depression
You are not alone. We can help. We’ll work for you to stop the harassment and collections, get your finances under control and can help if you’re considering bankruptcy
I know how much your financial future means to you, and I want to help. Being in bad debt can be discouraging. Experiences with my clients have taught me that being deep in debt has emotional consequences as well. If you’re considering bankruptcy, we’ll discuss our options and figure out the best path for you going forward.
Types of Debts Discharged in Bankruptcy
Common debts discharged in bankruptcy
Most types of debt are discharged in bankruptcy, except for most taxes, child support debt, and student loans. Most consumer debts can be eliminated by filing for bankruptcy. Examples include credit card balances, mortgages and car payments.
Credit card debt
Credit card debt is a primary reason you might need to file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
One thing you should know before discharging your credit card debt in bankruptcy is that you have already paid the credit card companies more than what you charged them. This is typically because of high interest rates, late fees and over-limit fees. O
Medical bills
One of the leading reasons for bankruptcy is unpaid medical bills. Even though you may have health insurance, high deductibles can make any situation a financial disaster
Bankruptcy is one way to eliminate or reduce medical debt.
And, don’t worry, you never will be turned away from the emergency room if that becomes necessary.
Personal loans
Personal loans are a huge problem in American. Finance companies like One Main, Mariner, Tracir, and, of course, all the new online loan companies, like BestEgg, Sofi, and Lending Tree make getting into impossible debt situations easier than ever.
Good news! All of these personal loans are subject to discharge in bankruptcy.
Cash advance loans
Another common debt we wipe out in bankruptcy is cash advance loans. Interest rates are through the roof on these bad boys.
Don’t worry. I will file bankruptcy and still get them discharged. This is true even if you have signed an application that says you won’t file bankruptcy. In 35 years of practice, I have discharged hundreds, if not thousands, of these loans.
Foreclosure and repossession deficiencies
If your home or car is repossessed, you can file for bankruptcy to discharge these debts.
If the debt goes unpaid and a lawsuit is filed, it will be also be discharged in your bankruptcy proceedings. In addition to collections, creditors often “park” these debts on credit reports. This is sometimes more harmful than if they are actually trying to collect, due to the effect on your credit.
Filing bankruptcy can erase your outstanding debts.
Some of these creditors are very aggressive and will try to garnish your pay or wipe out a bank account. Filing Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 may protect you from these aggressives collection tactics.
Rebuild Your Credit
Most people assume that they will never regain their credit if they file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Springboro Ohio. They are incorrect. There is no need to suffer from bad credit in the long run if you know how to restore your credit after filing bankruptcy.
As a certified credit counselor, I know the frustrations and challenges of rebuilding your credit after bankruptcy. That is why I created an easy-to-follow plan for you to get on top of one small task each day that will rebuild your credit quickly.
One of the hardest things after bankruptcy is rebuilding your credit, since most banks won’t even consider you for a loan.
This won’t happen to you! My program takes you, step by step, through the process, it’s actually not hard to do.
The majority of my clients who follow this program and stick with it’s simple yet powerful tools, achieve FICO scores in the range of 650-700.
How to Choose A Bankruptcy Attorney in Springboro
Bankruptcy lawyers that provide the bait-and-switch tactic are easy to spot. They will offer you a very low price upfront, but in all likelihood it’s because they have failed to inform you of many other hidden fees and terms that can increase your cost exponentially. When trying to find a cheap bankruptcy attorney near me in Springboro, be aware that those that advertise $500 Bankruptcy can end up hurting you in the end.
Our bankruptcy law firm is here to help you with all of your legal needs. We will work hard for every client and make sure they leave satisfied with our services, no matter the severity or price point!
How a Springboro Bankruptcy Attorney Can Help.
You can trust my 35 years of experience, and proven track record of success.
Being in debt in Springboro Ohio is not for you!
If you live in Springboro, your case will be filed in the Dayton Bankruptcy Court While there are several attorneys in Springboro, there is only one board certified consumer bankruptcy specialist, recognized by the Ohio Supreme Court, Richard West, who is certified by the American Board of Certification.
Richard West reviews all options for debt relief because he understands that bankruptcy is NOT the best option for everyone. In fact, that’ why he became a certified debt specialist, and has helped a number of his clients get into non- bankruptcy debt relief programs.
If you need to file Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Springboro, Ohio or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, your best bet is to contact a counselor who specializes in debt relief and is certified and experienced for all forms of debt relief.
Your bankruptcy will have a significant effect on your financial future for years to come, so it’s important to get help from a trustworthy source. Since 1986, over 30,000 local families have trusted Richard West. Call us at (937) 748-1749 or fill out our bankruptcy evaluation form to schedule a free consultation.
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- Trusted By 30,000 Clients
- Over 350 4.9 Google Reviews
- No Money Down
- Affordable Payment Plans
- Remote Consultations
- File Online
- We Care About Your Future
What Our Clients Say
We Service the Following Cities and Communities near Springboro, Ohio.
- Franklin, OH
- Miamisburg, OH
- West Carrollton, OH
- Centerville, OH
- Lytle, OH
- Red Lion, OH
- Excello, OH
- Trenton, OH
- Woodsdale, OH
- Princeton, OH
- Four Bridges, OH
- Monroe, OH
- South Lebanon, OH
- Crosswick, OH
- Corwin, OH
- Fairborn, OH
- Phoneton, OH
- New Carlisle, OH
- Yellow Springs, OH
- Franklin County
Ready? Get on the Road to Bankruptcy Recovery
We are still open for remote filings in Springboro and remote consultations during the pandemic. All consultations are free and there is no catch. We only work with clients who want to work with us. Nothing high-pressure. We look forward to assisting you.