One of Ohio's Top-Rated Bankruptcy Attorneys,
Over 30,000 clients helped since 1986.

How Often Can You File Bankruptcy?

How Often Can You File Bankruptcy?

How Often Can A Person File Bankruptcy? When faced with overwhelming debt and financial trouble, bankruptcy can provide a solution for individuals struggling to manage their finances. There are limits to how often you can file for bankruptcy. The bankruptcy code outlines waiting periods and time limits for filing a new case after a previous […]

Avoid Foreclosure in Columbus, Ohio

Avoid Foreclosure in Columbus, Ohio

Are you facing the fear of losing your home to foreclosure in Columbus, Ohio? Sell Your Home to Avoid Foreclosure If you are struggling to meet your mortgage payments and are at risk of foreclosure, selling your home can help you pay off your existing mortgage and potentially avoid the negative impact of foreclosure on […]

Misconceptions About Bankruptcy

Misconceptions About Bankruptcy

What are the Misconceptions about Banruptcy? Are you considering filing for bankruptcy but have heard concerning information about it? Below are a few common misconceptions about bankruptcy that have been proven false. 1. You Will Lose Everything You Have Contrary to popular belief, bankruptcy laws are designed to provide individuals with a fresh start and […]

What Can You Not Do After Filing Bankruptcy in Cleveland, Ohio?

What Can You Not Do After Filing Bankruptcy in Cleveland, Ohio?

If you have filed for bankruptcy. Are you curious about what you can not do after filing bankruptcy in Cleveland, Ohio? Here are some restrictions that apply to you. You Cannot Neglect Your Alimony & Child Support Obligations After Chapter 7 Alimony and child support payments are considered priority debts under bankruptcy law, meaning they […]

Can I File Bankruptcy in Cleveland and Keep My House and Car?

Can I File Bankruptcy in Cleveland and Keep My House and Car?

Can I File Bankruptcy and Not Lose All of My Assets? When filing for bankruptcy, the type of bankruptcy plays an important role in determining the fate of a house or car. There are two primary types of consumer bankruptcy: Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. In Chapter 7 bankruptcy, also known as liquidation bankruptcy, a […]

Bankruptcy: Who Files and Why?

Bankruptcy: Who Files and Why?

What is Bankruptcy? Bankruptcy is a legal mechanism that provides individuals and businesses with a fresh financial start when they are overwhelmed by debt. This helps individuals and businesses who can no longer pay their outstanding debts obtain relief by wiping out or restructuring debts, depending on the type of bankruptcy filed. Bankruptcy can provide […]

The Impact of Bankruptcy on Your Cosigners

The Impact of Bankruptcy on Your Cosigners

The impact of bankruptcy can be far-reaching, not only on the individuals who file for it but also on their cosigners. When a person files for bankruptcy, they are seeking legal protection from their creditors by declaring an inability to pay their debts. This process allows them to either discharge their debts entirely or create […]

Debunking Common Bankruptcy Stereotypes

Debunking Common Bankruptcy Stereotypes

If you are considering filing for bankruptcy, but are hesitant due to stereotypes? People Who File for Bankruptcy Are Financially Irresponsible When it comes to bankruptcy, one of the most common stereotypes is that people who file for bankruptcy are financially irresponsible. The reality is that bankruptcy is often a result of unforeseen circumstances and […]

Understanding the Automatic Stay in Bankruptcy

Understanding the Automatic Stay in Bankruptcy

If you are considering filing for bankruptcy, you may be interested in learning about the concept of automatic stay. What is an Automatic Stay in Bankruptcy? When individuals or businesses face overwhelming financial challenges and decide to file for bankruptcy, they often find relief in the automatic stay provision. The automatic stay is a powerful […]

Avoiding Foreclosure in Akron, Ohio

Avoiding Foreclosure in Akron, Ohio

What is Foreclosure? In basic terms, foreclosure is the legal process by which a lender attempts to recover the balance of a loan when a borrower fails to make the required payments. It essentially allows the lender to take possession of the property and sell it to recoup the funds owed. Foreclosure in Akron typically […]