One of Ohio's Top-Rated Bankruptcy Attorneys,
Over 30,000 clients helped since 1986.

Bankruptcy Attorney Review – (In Under 5 minutes!)

If you are looking for the best bankruptcy attorney to help you solve you on your money problems, this little article will save you a TON of time.

In under 5 minutes, you’ll learn exactly what you need to know, and I’ll show you how to review bankruptcy attorneys in your area. See how they measure up against each other.

I’ve also written a longer article that reveals how you can psychoanalyze an attorney by examining his website – it’s like reading the attorney’s brain, without leaving your living room or ever having to actually go to his office or even talk to him. But I promised you a 5 minute analysis (you can read the longer article HERE, when you have 10 minutes) so, get ready . . . here’s the fastest way to find the best attorney to help you.

Step 1 – Who is the Most Hired Attorney?

First, you want to know who OTHER PEOPLE ACTUALLY HIRE. There are lots of attorneys who say they do bankruptcy law. Who are the top attorneys? What are their “stats?”
Richard West Law Office is a leader in Southern Ohio and has been for many years.  

Even though “bankruptcy mills” are moving into Ohio from California and other states, Richard West Law Office has been helping Ohio, and only Ohio, clients to wipe out debt, keep their property and rebuild their credit.  Since 1986, attorney Richard West has consistently, year after year, been one of the most sought after attorneys in Ohio.

Before covid, attorneys and clients had to actually travel to the bankrukptcy court to have a meeting with the trustee that typically took 5 minutes.  Many times clients would have to take an entire day off of work to see the attorney, then return to the attorney’s office to sign the papers and then another day to travel to court for the 5 minutes meeting.  No More!

And now, since Covid has eliminated the personal meeting requirement, clients from all over Ohio are hiring attorney Richard West to assist them with their financial recovery.  

So, although we are actually number 3 in the State of Ohio, (the other two are considered by many to be “mills”)  we beleive we are number one in terms of quality and, based on google reviews, client satisfaction.

Step 2 – Read Reviews

Google makes it super easy to see what actual clients say about their experiences. Look at their reviews and see how many clients actually bother to leave one. Remember, average service often gets no reviews at all. When was the last time YOU took the time to leave a review when all you got was average service? Reviews only happen when someone is motivated by a really good (or bad) experience.

Since I have been in Dayton Ohio as my home base since 1986, I suggest you google Bankruptcy Attorney Dayton Ohio and check out the reviews. 

You can quickly review each bankruptcy attorney’s number of reviews, and the attorney’s website information is also listed. (Note: there is only one with over FIVE Hundred reviews – ours are spread out over Dayton, Cincinnati, Columbus and elsewhere.)

Step 3 – Which Attorneys Specialize in Bankruptcy?

First, you should know that in order to legally advertise as a “Specialist” the attorney – by Ohio Supreme Court Rules, must be Board Certified.

There are only a few Board Certified Consumer Bankruptcy Specialists in Ohio.

Some attorneys “limit their practice” (sort of a way to say they specialize without using the word, since they cannot legally do that) or state that “bankruptcy is all we do.” They have to do this because they are not board certified.

Not too many attorneys even do this. If you review bankruptcy attorney websites, you will see that most do all kinds of different things . . . family law, probate, etc.

Somewhat reminiscent of the old saying, “Jack of all trades . . . master of none?” That’s for you to decide, but ask yourself this – if your situation is serious, like, suppose, you had cancer, would you want to go to a general practice doctor, or a board certified specialist? If the stakes are high, you want every advantage you can get for a good outcome.

Step 4 – Your Credit After the Bankruptcy?

This is a huge concern. Bankruptcy, without more, does NOT help your credit. It’s not designed to do that. Bankruptcy only wipes out debt.

After bankruptcy, you need a proven program to rebuild your credit.

But bankruptcy lawyers are not taught this in law school. Credit rebuilding is not part of the bankruptcy process, yet, without it, you won’t achieve a financial recovery.

We’re running out of time! I promised you a 5 minute lesson on how to review bankruptcy attorneys, so I’ll cut to the chase, there is only one bankruptcy lawyer who is board certified, is also a certified credit counselor who has a proven program to rebuild credit after bankruptcy, and has been helping his clients get a full financial recovery, not just a bankruptcy discharge, for over 30 years.


There you have it! In only 5 minutes!

Actually, finding the best attorney to help you solve your money problems and get the financial recovery you seek is much the same process as we use for figuring out any problem these days.

See which attorneys are trusted by the most people, read reviews of the experiences others have had, and then do your research on the top picks from your list.

By checking out the attorneys who more people actually hire, you benefit from their research and experiences – this saves you a ton of time, and helps to avoid problems and making the wrong choice.

Read the reviews, compare how many reviews they have, how long the attorney has been in practice and if he is a recognized specialist, and finally if you get a credit recovery program as part of the representation.

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Useful Calculators

Here are two helpful calculators for managing your debt repayments and Chapter 13 commitments.